oaxaca, residency Johanna Palmieri oaxaca, residency Johanna Palmieri

March 2025: Textile Resident Introductions

This March 2025, we are excited to be receiving our fourth round of residents in our group residency program, hosted in collaboration with TEXERE.

This sessions residents include: Nicole Castillo, Sadie Clarendon, Lella Crystal, Malaury Eloi Paisley, Mayssa Kanaan, Raina Lee, Francine Milagros, Isabella Morrison, Hope Okere and Alida Rodrigues.

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Caitlin Ahern Caitlin Ahern

Team Interview: Artist Johanna Palmieri

We are so lucky to call painter Johanna Palmieri both a friend and team member.

While I’ve had the personal privilege of getting to know her, I wanted our extended community to have a deeper introduction to her and her work. Here, I talk with Johanna about the start of her creative journey, where she finds inspiration and more.

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texere, oaxaca Caitlin Ahern texere, oaxaca Caitlin Ahern


Conoce al equipo de nuestro proyecto hermano TEXERE. TEXERE es una casa textil ubicada en Santa Maria del Tule, Oaxaca, donde recibimos residentes dedicadxs al investigación y producción de textiles. Ofrecemos talleres, un estudio compartido y materiales a la venta. Aqui, presentamos a nuestro querido equipo.

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